Here it is, a week after we committed to (re-)reading the first half of Middlemarch in three weeks.  And all I have read is the Prelude. What’s that about? (What’s the Prelude about?  Well, you’ve just read it:  It makes it clear that the hero of our piece is a heroine, and in that sense the novel comes across as a feminist […]

Since this is the last part of the novel that I read two years ago before I got distracted (and daunted by the length of the next two parts), I already knew that I really liked this part, but wouldn’t have a lot to say about it; probably that’s why I did a separate post […]

Hello, Josh and the other people who are joining us on the trip through Roberto Bolaño’s 2666  (or, as we call it in Spanish, 2666). We plan to read the entire novel in six weeks.  It’s 890pp. in the English edition.  It’s divided into five parts, of rather unequal length.  My original thought was that we […]